Friday, August 16, 2013

I suck at blogging

Wow, I haven't updated since January! So much has happened I don't even know where to start?

Leo's father AKA Baby daddy:

Was murdered on Feb. 23rd. He was shot. No doubt it was the HARDEST thing I have EVER had to deal with thus far. My heart was broken, my world shattered. For those who have been reading my blog know things were rocky between us. No, he wasn't a great Dad. However I loved him. I spent almost 4 years of my life with him and we had Leo. I always believed in him, no matter what... I know he is in a better place. I owe it to him for bringing me back to my faith. I have my wonderful relationship with God back now. I am very blessed. I know he has a reason for everything. I trust Him.


Work has been going great. I still do the same thing. I am still on nights. I am trying to get switched to days SOON. With my new school schedule for this semester things are gonna get rough and I know working days rather than nights would help a ton.


I am (hopefully) taking my last TWO classes until I am able to apply to the nursing program at Tech. which is another 2 years! I am going to apply at Brown Mackie too. I am really excited to get this semester over with. I am ready to be in the program learning about things that are really gonna benefit me.


Leo turned 2 July 13! Wow, I can't believe it. How fast time flies is unreal. We had a small party at the house with a little kiddie pool. It was a lot of fun. He is talking so much and can almost talk in sentences. He is half way potty trained which is great. I need to make more time to focus on that with him.


I have been great after getting over the shock of losing baby daddy. I am still trying to eat healthy and work out. I got down to 115.6lbs from 140lbs. These past two weeks I have been slipping up and I weigh 119 again! :( OH well. I will be ok...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Dalis Connell's Blog!: Video

A video from the girl who inspired me to begin my weight loss journey!!!

Dalis Connell's Blog!: Video

I love my life!

Ok, so I know I have been neglecting my blog yet again!

So here is the usual "update":

First we'll start out with my Leo baby! He is doing GREAT! Saying many words. He understands everything you tell him too! Daycare is going great. He lovesss it! He weighs 27 lbs and I am not sure about his height. Also he just recently turned 18 months!!!!!!! WOW! I can't believe my baby is 18 months...I have already (secretly) started planning his 2nd birthday party. LOL. I really want to go all out for this one! You can thank PINTEREST for that. ;]

Now let's move on to work...
I still absolutely love my job to pieces. SO thankful to God for it. EVERYDAY. I am so blessed to have a job I love at such a young age! By the way, this mama is 21 now! Heck yea! Although I do love my job I have been (unfortunetly) face with the reality of it recently. I have had 2 patients pass away that I had gotten slightly close too. I know I shouldn't, but you cant help it. One was only 21 the other was only 40. It makes my heart heavy again just thinking about it. I work on the cancer floor if you're wondering. I was able to pick up a lot of hours over the school break. Now that school is back in...Im not sure if that will be the case.

SCHOOL: Is just that. school. boring. Can't wait to be finished! I am proud to say that I passed Anatomy and Physiology last semester with a "B" thank the lord! right now I am taking probability and statistics (SHOOT ME) and Art history and apprection.  I have to complete this semester and then next semester will be my last year of prereqs!!!!!! Hopefully all goes well!

Now let's move on to none other than ME!
I have been doing extraordinary. I have left my sad days behing. I have gotten up from the ground and left my past behind me. I have focused on my health and proud to say that I now weigh 126.2 lbs from a starting weight of 140lbs!!!!! WOW! I am so happy. I feel so much more comfortable in my skin! I am going for 115 lbs. BUT of course according to the BMI I should weigh less than 110 lbs...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Just another post about my life.

So here it goes...

Congrats to Obama for another 4 years! Seriously,  I will most likely remove myself from all social networking sites for the next election. I just can't deal with all the rude comments. *I* for one did not vote, because I did not register in time. Either way I would have woke up happy the next day, because my life is ok, my son, my family, and my friends are all healthy. What do I have to complain about? Other than, trying to get into nursing school. (LOL) Working at the hospital has really opened up my eyes to life. We only have one life. ONE. It's up to us to make the best of it. We control our moods.

My job is still going awesome as could be. All the nurses still love me and give me positive feedback. I had to work hard to get where I am today. Nothing was handed to me. Although I do have the BEST support system. I thank God for making me wait for THIS job that I do have. He put me on the oncology (cancer) floor for a reason. He KNEW the nurses would welcome me with open arms and I would have the best patients. HE KNEW. :]

School is going OK as always, could be better. I am bringing up my anatomy grade. SLOWLY. I am running out of time though so I need to go and study for my test that I have tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weight Loss, School, Work, and Leo :]

Well I guess I could have just titled this update, but anyways here it goes!

About 2 weeks ago I started eating healthy... Not eat ANY junk food. I think I shared that Dalis Connel blog and I just started following some of her recipes. I have lost a total of THREE pounds already! I know it isn't much, but I am so proud of myself! I love seeing results and this is the first time I am actually sticking to it! My initial starting weight was 140 lbs. I am 4'9'' so YES, I am very overweight for my height. I now weigh 137. I would really like to weigh 120-125. According to the BMI scale a "healthy" weight for my height is 95-115 lbs. There is no way I will ever get THAT little. I can't see myself looking healthy at that weight. I am really excited to see my results as the weeks continue!

School is school...BORING. It's just an extra headache. My public speaking teacher has turned into a witch...Anatomy class is going ok. I am really studying better (what I should be doing now). I am determined to bring my grade up! It's funny because a few weeks ago I was thinking to myself, "something is gonna happen this semester either I am going to lose weight OR do good in school" Then I had an "epiphany" and was like HELLOOO, you CAN do both!? So that is what I am doing. I am giving it all my effort. My best.

Work is AMAZING. I am truly blessed to have the job I do. I love it. Going to work is exciting to me and that in its self is unexplainable. To add to that also, the nurses LOVE me already! This is only my second week there and they love me! I love them to! They are constantly telling me what great of a job I do and how I am going to be a great nurse and they love working with me. Ahhh just thinking about it makes me smile! Love that place! For those who don't know...I work at my local hospital as a PCT/CNA while going to school to become and RN.

Last, but surely not least is my big boy! Leo is doing amazing. He is getting a BIGGER attitude and has been into hitting me lately. *sigh* I had to switch daycares, because he was initially going to The Sunshine House near where I live. I got a call last week on weds from the director telling me that leo had been bit THREE times on the back! Needless to say I was furious, speechless, and HURT for Leo. He did not go back there and is already going to a new SMALLER daycare it is going great so far. He just has to get use to it. He had his 15 month check up last week also. The doc said he looks great, height and weight are where they should be. She said she wanted me to work on showing him his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. He can say ball, bath, mami, more, doggie. He can say a couple more I just can't think of them at this moment. As fas as his father goes...I had a court date with him last week on weds I believe. It was ordered my the judge I had nothing to do with it. It was due to failure to pay child support. It said on the letter that I didn;t have to go and that it was up to me. I did go though, but of course baby daddy didn't show. So I had to get up in front of the judge by myself. The jugde ordered two bench warrants: 1. Failure to appear 2. Failure to pay CS. So hopefully he gets locked up and realizes what he is doing in not ok.

ok I am done for now. I have to go study!


Monday, October 1, 2012

Dalis Connell's Blog!: Day 2 of challenge!

Dalis Connell's Blog!: Day 2 of challenge!: Breakfast: (Smoothie) Whole banana half cup of unsweetened almond milk whole cup of plain greek yogurt (ton of protein) 3 strawberries ...

Dalis Connell's Blog!: Challenge!

Dalis Connell's Blog!: Challenge!: Okay so since I've been back in school I have been slacking A LITTLE BIT, not a lot on my diet. But I'm ready to get back on schedule. My ch...